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November, 2021

  • 2 November

    Traditional hotels in Old Damascus… houses that open their doors to history

    Damascus, SANA –Ancient Damascene houses are distinguished by creativity and architectural art dating back to the 17 century, keeping their architectural landmarks and heritage with various decorations linked that the …

  • 2 November

    Do you know that historic Marjah Square in Damascus Old City is known as Martyrs Square?

    Damascus, SANA- Marjah Square, also known as Martyrs’ Square, is a square located outside the walls of the Old City at the heart of Damascus Capital City. Marjah Square has …

  • 1 November

    Syrian craftsman turns stones into professionally sculpted designs

    Tartous, SANA – The 75-year-old man Syrian craftsman, Bassam Sabbagh sits on the pavement in front of his shop in Safita city, Tartous countryside holding a hammer in his hand …

  • 1 November

    Najran village in Sweida countryside… A story of ancient civilizations

    Sweida, SANA- Najran village, which is located in the northwestern countryside of Sweida, tells the story of ancient civilizations that passed through the region and left important archaeological ruins from …

  • 1 November

    Do you know that Damascus University is the first public university in Arab World?

    Damascus, SANA- Do you know that the University of Damascus is the first public university in the Arab world. Founded in 1903, the University of Damascus is the oldest and …

October, 2021

  • 31 October

    Worldwide coronavirus fatalities exceed five million

    Washington, SANA- Since its outbreak in December 2019, the worldwide novel coronavirus pandemic has claimed the lives of more than five million, according to the last statistics by the American …

  • 28 October

    Julia Domna… an empress who represents honorable image of Syrian woman

    Damascus, SANA- The Syrian Empress Julia Domna, who ascended to the throne of Rome, embodies the beauty, intelligence, competence and participation of women in building society, governing the state, commanding …

  • 27 October

    Do you know that Aramaic language still spoken by inhabitants of some villages in Syria?

    Damascus, SANA – Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ, is a language that originated among the inhabitants of some villages in al-Qalamoun region in Syria. During its three-thousand-year long history, …

  • 26 October

    Do you know that Damascus is the oldest inhabited capital in the world?

    Damascus, (SANA) Founded in the 3rd millennium B.C., Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. However, archaeologists were able to show that Damascus was first inhabited …

  • 25 October

    General Establishment for Chemical Industries gains SYP 6.7 billion in 9 months

    Damascus, SANA- The General Establishment for Chemical Industries (GECI) has estimated the profits of its subsidiaries during the first nine months of this year at about SYP 6.7 billion, the …