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Culture & Arts

May, 2020

  • 8 May

    Damascus Opera celebrates the 16th anniversary of its inauguration

    Damascus, SANA_ With a musical performance, the Orchestra of the Musical Institute “Sulhi Al-Wadi” commemorated, through the digital channels and platforms, the 16th anniversary of the inauguration of the al-Assad …

  • 2 May

    Cinema and TV Industry Committee denounce MBC screening of drama series that call for normalization with Zionist entity

    Damascus, SANA-Cinema and TV Industry Committee denounced the MBC group’s screening of drama series that call for normalization with the Zionist entity and broadcast hatred against the Palestinian people. The …

  • 1 May

    The Syrian Symphony returns to audience through virtual world channels

    Damascus, SANA_ The Syrian National Symphony Orchestra returned to audience through the virtual world channels by performing a Latin piece of music that was published on the official page of  …

  • 1 May

    Creativity and originality in works of the Syrian sculptor Issa Salameh

    Damascus, SANA _ The huge sculptural blocks of rocks and tree trunks, which distinguish the sculptures of the artist Isa Salameh, tempt him to work on topics that suit their …

April, 2020

  • 25 April

    Syrian sculpture able to continue and develop despite all difficult circumstances

    Lattakia, SANA_ Sculptor Yasser Sbeeh , coexists with various materials in great harmony to produce vibrant sculpture works , using expressive methods including realism and abstraction. As an art, sculpture …

  • 19 April

    “Creators for peace, love and beauty” …art exhibition via the Internet

    Tartous, SANA_ Under the title “Creators for peace, love and beauty”, Tartous branch of plastic Artists’ Union recently launched preparations for holding an art exhibition via the Internet with the …

  • 14 April

    During quarantine period, Damascus Opera House broadcasts concerts online

    Damascus, SANA_ During the quarantine period in Syria, The Damascus Opera House will broadcast on its website the concerts it hosted during the last period. This step is part of …

  • 13 April

    Plastic artist: Art is global message, portrays creative human thought in visual way

    Damascus, SANA_ Plastic artist Dr. Ghatfan Habib considers art as a global message that exceeds the limits of language, transmits creative human thought in a visual way that reaches the …

  • 10 April

    Quarantine music group invites people to fight Covid-19 by playing, singing

    Damascus, SANA_ Medical studies and researches emphasize the importance of strengthening the psychological aspect of confronting the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and enhancing human immunity by practicing various activities to get away …

  • 2 April

    Within a new cultural initiative, 2nd Songbook Encyclopedia opened electronically to readers

    Damascus, SANA-Similar to the various cultural initiatives which have been launched in Syria in response the current exceptional circumstances which the countries of the world are passing through after the …