Syrian doctor saves patient’s foot from amputation using special surgical procedure

Hama, SANA – Dr. Abdelrazzaq al-Yousef managed to save a young man’s foot from amputation by carrying out a special reconstructive surgical procedure at Hama National Hospital.

In a statement to SANA’s correspondent, al-Yousef said that he used tissue from the 22 year-old patient’s soleus ligament to repair damage to the exposed ankle, with skin grafts to be used later to finish the treatment.

He pointed out that the plantal artery which was completely severed, but the tibial artery is providing blood to the foot, asserting that if this procedure hadn’t been carried out, it would have necessary to amputate the foot.

The doctor noted that the odds of this procedure’s success are around 30%, but the alternative was microsurgery to implant ligaments which can only be done in a center specializing microvascular surgery.

Hazem Sabbagh

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