Commission for Defending Syria in Sweden stresses importance of participating in reconstruction process in Syria

Stockholm, SANA, The Commission for Defending Syria in Sweden underlined the importance of contributing to the reconstruction process in Syria and building the future of the country through intensifying and activating the national efforts.

Head of the Commission George Maqdisi Elias told SANA that the commission seeks to collect various types of aid to send them to Syria through coordination with al-Wa’ad Society and to activate and start a number of the scientific, developmental and environmental programs in Syria in coordination with the related bodies.

Elias added that the commission works on conveying a true image about what is taking place in Syria and the western-backed terrorist war launched against it sponsored by some Arab and regional countries.

commission 1The Commission embraces a number of representatives at several Swedish cities and it works on expanding the basis of its work and the number of its members.

The Commission is a non-governmental body that consists of Syrian and foreign members, and it was established at the beginning of the crisis in Syria. It has organized many national activities with the aim of conveying the real image about what is taking place in Syria.

R. al-Jazaeri/ Ghossoun

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