Syrian community in Czech expresses support to consultative Moscow meeting

Prague, SANA – The Syrian community in Czech expressed support to the consultative meeting being held in Moscow for solving the crisis in Syria.

In a statement, they said that any inter-Syrian dialogue would not be successful unless it stems from the keenness on the interest of the Syrian people and the higher national interests such as Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and the denunciation of violence and terrorism.

They also expressed appreciation to Russia, which plays “an honest role” in supporting Syria through backing the state to overcome all challenges that it is facing due to the unjust western sanctions and the support provided by the West, Gulf countries and Turkey to the armed terrorist organizations.

Rounds of Moscow consultative meeting between the delegation of the Syrian government and opposition figures are continuous, as the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed on Wednesday that his country is interested in finding a solution to the crisis in Syria as it gives all sorts of support to the Syrians for confronting terrorism.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun

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