Health Ministry: 908 registered Cholera infections, 44 fatalities

Damascus, SANA- Health Ministry announced Wednesday that the total number of confirmed cases of cholera raised to 908 distributed to 558 in Aleppo, 165 in Deir Ezzor, 68 in Hasaka, 33 in Raqqa, 28 in Lattakia, 19 in Sweida, 11 in Damascus, 10 in Hama, 7 in Homs, 5 in Daraa,2 in Damascus countryside, 1 in Quneitra and 1 in Tartous.

The total number of fatalities caused by cholera disease reached 44, among them 37 in Aleppo, 4 in Hasaka, 2 in Deir Ezzor and 1 in Damascus.

The Ministry called on citizens to follow public health procedures and behaviors.

MHD Ibrahim

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